welcome to…

gorge’s guardians

a back-to-nature ‘n permaculture project and digital communal space for passionate people that either: follows nature’s way of life, strives to go back to nature, strives to protect all beings that follow nature, make tools or ideas or new ways to aid all beings to stick to the path, or would love to follow nature’s way but can’t because of circumstances… constantly struggling to find ways to survive against civilization: indigenous, migrants, minorities, outcasts, hippies: real people

come home to the discord

come discuss at the forums

help build the wiki

help make this web-site

help take care of each other

so that they in turn can take care of the world around them

wherever you were born, whatever your culture, whatever your history, you know the right way to live: with nature, slowly and carefully. It’s for people that live a slow life, living and learning at the pace of plants, growing with them, dying with them, only to be reborn again and again, changing one’s self entirely several times, as we get ever closer to nature.